Rock’n Pop the Borders Project 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 is a joint partnership project of Partners Dupnitsa Association (Bulgaria) and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo (Macedonia). The project is co-financed by the European Union trough IPA Cross-border Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia CCI Number: 007CB16IPO007. Project implementation period is 12 months: from 19 December 2013 to 18 December 2014. Overall project budget: 82 119.49 euro.
Why have we developed Rock’n Pop the Borders Project?
There is no forum only for young rock/ pop makers in programme countries and the Balkans. Existing formats do not encourage author’s appearance, original ideas exchange, and development of new or common musical products/events on this ground. The traditional cultural heritage is overexposed. Various audiences are ignored. The resources of youth/ urban culture in the CBC area are unused. The options given by web-based stages and web cultural events also still unutilized. That pushes back youngsters, variety of audiences and stakeholders from the region, reducing its attractiveness and opportunities for sustainable development. There are no enough opportunities for utilization of youngsters’ free time through art performance. The project addresses all that using the partners’ experience in these fields and numerous young rock/pop bands/performers in the CBC area.
To whom the Rock’n Pop the Borders Project is aimed?
Young people making rock and pop music, aged 13 – 25 years, from the CBC area and the programme countries.
NGOs and other entities dealing with young people and youth art activities from the CBC area and programme countries.
The business with musical and cultural products from CBC area and the programme countries (producers, festival selectors, talents seekers, music media, etc).
The business using cultural and musical products for promoting its/ or as a segment within its activities – from CBC area and the programme countries ( entertaining media, tour operators, producers of goods for active and young people, etc).
What is the project strategy so that to meet their needs and constrains?
The overall project objective is to utilize, unused till now, cultural resources of the CBC area through joint development and management of sustainable format for creative first appearance, exchange of ideas and talents’ competition for young rock and pop music creators from CBC area and the programme countries.
Specific objectives within the project are:
1. To create adequate ‘appearance stage” for young rock and pop music makers from the CBC area and programme countries.
2. To attract new audiences, professionals, festival selectors, business concerned and local communities interest and support to new cultural events, products and form establishment and sustain, with an emphasis on young people’s creative potentialities.
3. To involve actively auditoria and participated stakeholders’ support to by-project approach and established format sustaining and promotion.
Main activities in support to the project strategy:
1. Setting the web platform (web stage) of Rock’n Pop the Borders Format. It is a contest and appearance stage for all young rock and pop music makers who are involved in the project or would like to be involved in.
2. Simultaneous call for music works about online contest Rock’n Pop the Borders – by both partners so all young rock and pop music makers from both programme countries to know that there is a stage and option for them: to show what they can and what they have done with their talents.
3. Opening and implementing the Rock’n Pop the Borders Online Contest – so the new and active audiences to be attracted and young music makers to be able to achieve a real audience’s feedback about their works. And – to give ourselves the opportunity to choose the best 10 of them.
4. Mobilizing adjudicators and professionally concerned audience for Rock’n Pop Borders Young Music Makers Award Concert by both partners. We need professional selection of the talents and professional support to them. It is possible only if have succeed to attract professionals for estimating and supporting those young music makers who have shown real talent and taste for music.
5. Caring out the Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music Makers Award Concert in Dupnitsa. Everyone needs a performance stage and an award of his/her efforts. Something more – a concert in live is a perfect tool to attract more interest and more support to young music makers. And – to do a final selection of the best of the best. Therefore, the activity is bounded with final ranking by the professional jury, filming of the concert and awards: video clip and professional sound record for the first and the second selected winners as and certificates for all who have been reached to the concert.
6. Working up a Joint management and maintenance of Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music Makers Award Framework by a workshop. This is a tool by which we hope all involved professionals and stakeholders to contribute for sustainable and long-term development of the project – by visions, agreements, commitments.
7. Rock’n and Pop Awareness Concert in Kumanovo is provided so the young music creators to gain another stage and more audiences and so – more promotion: crucial in music business and for new coming there musicians. Of course – the Programme support must be promoted too, because without it – the project would not be happen.
What are we expecting as results?
• Adequate appearance stage for young rock and pop music authors – set
• Support of new audiences, professionals, festival selectors, business concerned and local communities to establishment and sustain of new cultural events, products and formats – gained
• Common framework for managing and maintaining the format by involved NGOs, young authors participated, the professionals, producers, festival selectors, business concerned and local communities – settled.
• New common culture product of contemporary, not traditional, CBC area culture – developed.
• Revealed and promoted new talents in rock and pop music fields – new young music makers’ first appearance songs.
Stay tuned with us here – on so you to be able to watch, read or listen to – what we are succeed to achieve.