At midnight of 16 to 17 July 2014 the online competition for young rock band’s original song has been closed. Rock’n Pop the Borders online competition was for young rock bands, aged 13 to 25 , making own, original songs. The audience and the adjudicators have voted for their favorites within provided terms and the promoters have been allowed to announce the final ranking today – 17july 2014.
In accordance with the Participating Rules, the 10 songs received the highest average score from audience and adjudicators’ votes are allowed to compete at a live gig on 9th August 2014 in Rila Park of Dupnitsa town.
The final ranking after the online competition Rock’n Pop the Borders ranks the following 10 finalists ( the ranking includes the song name, the band name, average score for the song after audience and adjudicators’ vote and band’s country name):
1. “For The Win”, Enkhaosment, 8.65, Bulgaria.
2. “In between the time”, TV Rage, 8.22, Macedonia.
3. “Filthy Rock’n’Roll”, Chainsaw Babies, 7.12, Bulgaria.
4. “Airstrike”, Bunch of Assholes, 7.00, Bulgaria.
5. “Лоша навика”, Problem Solved, 6.93, Macedonia.
6. “Love lies bleeding (Amaranth), As Orchids Wither, 6.64, Bulgaria.
7. “The Unsung”, Feast of Insanity, 6.31, Bulgaria.
8. “Losing control”, After Midnight, 5.93, Bulgaria.
9. “Не вели ми здраво”, Revenge, 5.68, Macedonia.
10. “Slippin’”, Paranormal, 5.60, Bulgaria.
In case that some of the 10 finalists refuses to participate in the final gig, the promoters keep the right to invite the next one by order of ranking:
11. “Bury Me”, Sunday, 5.53, Bulgaria.
12. “Гласот на моята душа”, Визия, 5,28, Macedonia.
13. “Път към върха”, Rebels,5,09, Bulgaria.
14. “Revelation”, Panic Station, 5.08, Bulgaria.
15. “The Power of Love”, Marmalad Banda, 4.96, Macedonia.
16. “Ride”, Plug In, 4.95, Macedonia.
17. “Първата”, Лопатарка, 4,56, Bulgaria.
18. “Cannot Heal”, Power Enslave, 4.46, Bulgaria.
19. “Трошка Љубов”, Polemique, 4.18, Macedonia.
20. “In Cold and Dark Days”, Foretold Dead, 4.06, Bulgaria.
21. “Electrify”, Simai, 3.82, Bulgaria.
22. “Blade of Greed”, SLIX, 3.63, Bulgaria.
23. “We are coming”, Voltage, 3.36, Bulgaria.
24. “Изгубен”, Angus&Kevin, 3.20, Bulgaria.
25. “Appetence for Life”, Mneme, 3.11, Bulgaria.
Bands’ ranking by average score after audience votes:
1.”For The Win”, Enkhaosment, 10, Bulgaria.
2.”In between the time”, TV Rage, 8.64, Macedonia.
3.”Airstrike”, Bunch of Assholes, 8.12, Bulgaria.
4.”Love lies bleeding (Amaranth), As Orchids Wither, 6.67, Bulgaria.
5.”Лоша навика”, Problem Solved, 6.55, Macedonia.
6.”Filthy Rock’n’Roll”, Chainsaw Babies, 6.04, Bulgaria.
7.”Не вели ми здраво”, Revenge, 5.74, Macedonia.
8.”Път към върха”, Rebels, 5.29, Bulgaria.
9.”Revelation”, Panic Station, 5.13, Bulgaria.
10.”The Power of Love”, Marmalad Banda, 5.09, Macedonia.
11.”The Unsung”, Feast of Insanity, 4.91, Bulgaria.
12.”In Cold and Dark Days”, Foretold Dead, 4.24, Bulgaria.
13.”Ride”, Plug In, 3.92, Macedonia.
14.”Трошка Љубов”, Polemique, 3.87, Macedonia.
15.”Losing control”, After Midnight, 3.66, Bulgaria.
16.”Гласот на моята душа”, Визия, 3.35, Macedonia.
17.”Cannot Heal”, Power Enslave, 3.19, Bulgaria.
18.”Изгубен”, Angus&Kevin, 3.08, Bulgaria.
19.”Electrify”, Simai, 3.01, Bulgaria.
20.”Blade of Greed”, SLIX, 2.80, Bulgaria.
21.”Първата”, Лопатарка, 2.61, Bulgaria.
22.”Slippin’”, Paranormal, 2.51, Bulgaria.
23.”We are coming”, Voltage, 2.45, Bulgaria.
24.”Appetence for Life”, Mneme, 2.28, Bulgaria.
25.”Bury Me”, Sunday, 2.05, Bulgaria.
Bands ranking by adjudicators’ average scores:
1.”Bury Me”, Sunday, 9.00, Bulgaria.
2.”Slippin’”, Paranormal, 8.68, Bulgaria.
3.”Losing control”, After Midnight, 8.20, Bulgaria.
4.”Filthy Rock’n’Roll”, Chainsaw Babies, 8.20, Bulgaria.
5.”In between the time”, TV Rage, 7.80, Bulgaria.
6.”The Unsung”, Feast of Insanity, 7.70, Bulgaria.
7.”For The Win”, Enkhaosment, 7.30, Bulgaria.
8.”Лоша навика”, Problem Solved, 7.30, Bulgaria.
9.”Гласот на моята душа”, Визия, 7.20, Bulgaria.
10.”Love lies bleeding (Amaranth), As Orchids Wither, 6.60, Bulgaria.
11.”Първата”, Лопатарка, 6.50, Bulgaria.
12.”Ride”, Plug In, 5.98, Macedonia.
13.”Airstrike”, Bunch of Assholes, 5.88, Bulgaria.
14.”Cannot Heal”, Power Enslave, 5.72, Bulgaria.
15.”Не вели ми здраво”, Revenge, 5.62, Bulgaria.
16.”Revelation”, Panic Station, 5.02, Bulgaria.
17.”Път към върха”, Rebels, 4.88, Bulgaria.
18. “The Power of Love”, Marmalad Banda, 4.82, Macedonia.
19. “Electrify”, Simai, 4.62, Bulgaria.
20.”Трошка Љубов”, Polemique, 4.48, Macedonia.
21.”Blade of Greed”, SLIX, 4.46, Bulgaria.
22.”We are coming”, Voltage, 4.26, Bulgaria.
23.”Appetence for Life”, Mneme, 3.94, Bulgaria.
24.”In Cold and Dark Days”, Foretold Dead, 3.88, Bulgaria.
25.”Изгубен”, Angus&Kevin, 3.32, Bulgaria.
The promoters and the adjudicators underline their deep impression by participants’ fair-play, the savoir-vivre they have kept amongst and the quality of all songs participated (it can be seen – the adjudicators have not adjudicated average score under 3 points for each participating song). If we might deduce by number of votes received by the participating bands, their original songs have been performed at an online gig with almost 10 000 people audience.
The project Rock’n Pop the Borders is a partnership project of Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo.
It is co-funded by the EU through IPA Cross – Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007