RnPB Award diploma

Rock’n Pop the Borders awarded as exemplary implemented project

Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for Sustainable Development in Kratovo were awarded for exemplary cooperation project under European territorial cooperation programmes in Bulgaria for 2007 – 2013 programing period. The award was handed at the European territorial cooperation – the achievements bring new opportunities Conference by Deputy Minister in Regional Development and Public Works, Mrs. Denitsa Nikolova. The deputy minister awarded 15 the most successful projects implemented in closed programming period. She thanked to all partners and beneficiaries under cooperation programmes and wished them successful joint working together in new programming period. At the conference opening, the Minister of RDPW, Mrs. Lilyana Pavlova, said that all awarded projects had remarkable effect and significance: “not only because they have been well developed, but because the outputs they have achieved”.  

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Partners Dupnitsa Association and the Regional Center for Sustainable Development in Kratovo were awarded for implementing the project Rock’n Pop the Borders as exemplary practice under IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM together with two other projects. In programming period 2007 – 2013 under this programme were contracted and implemented 100 projects totally.

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Within the RnPB project was set an international format for performing of young music creators from Bulgaria and Macedonia. 25 young music bands were participated in the events under the project. 3 live gigs and an online competition were held as they gathered more than 19 000 people audience. Communication and contacts between young creators, professional musicians and producers were built. A video and a single were made for the winners within the project competition. You can watch and listen to works of all participants on this site.  

The gig in Kumanovo

On 7 September 2014 at 21.00 at City Square of Kumanovo the Rock’n Pop Music Award Winners’ Awareness Gisg was held. 

Some of the finalists in the Rock’n Pop the Borders  Young Music Makers Award Concert as well some of the winners there are taking place in the gig: Enkhaosment and Chainsaw Babies from Bulgaria, and TV Rage, Vizija, Polemique Problem Solved form Macedonia. Special guests of the evening were Rock Ballet Dance studio MAK and ‘Masedonian rock legend’ – Simeon Ivanov Kango. The gig’s performer was Marko Marko Noveski.

Our friends from Zlaten Cannel TV made a reportage that showes in sounds and pictures the event temper. Even you don’t know Macedonian, at least, you are be able to feel the mood: 

Rock’n Pop the Borders is a joint project of Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovov. It is co-funded by the EU through IPA Cross – Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM. 

Kumanovo Rock’n Pop the Borders Awareness Concert is a final event within the same name project implementation as it is aimed to promote and support the young music makers who have been participated and awarded witin. A documentary about this gig is preparing and it will be posted here.

25 bands, aged 13 to 25, from Bulgaria and Macedonia have been involved within the competition for young rock or pop music band original song started on 12 May 2014. 

Rock’n Pop the Borders’ Audience

Rock’n Pop the Borders’ management team has made a study on 10% sample by the Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music makers Award Concert’s audience. 50 respondents were asked by questionnaire with 8 questions (containing ‘choose-one’ answers).  

The main conclusions by the survey are:

1. The women are the majority amongst the audience of the Concert (green – women, red – men): 

Разпределение на публиката по пол

 2. The young people aged 13 to 25 are the most inspired fans of the rock music presented at the Concert ( red – under 13, green – 13-25; blue – 25 – 35; yellow – 35-45, pink – 45-55; light blue – 55 – 65; deep yellow – over 65): 

Ratio by age

3. Studying and working young people are the audience of events like “Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music Makers Award”(red – studing; green – employed; blue – selfempoyed/undertakers; yellow – retired or unempoyed.)

Разпределение на публиката по пол

4. Friends were essential part of the event audience. It can be explained with the participants’ age and the format what the participants were involved. Despite the fact, we are able to say the largest audience’s share is not personally connected in any way with the event participants:( green – related; red – no relation):

Ratio by relation with performers

 5. Internet (especially social media and friendships within) was the information tool for the largest part of the audience. The info sites, including project platform, as well the event’s posters, were the other ‘information sources’ for the audience (red – social nets friendships; green – info sites; dark blue – project platform; yellow – TV and radio; purpule – posters for event):

By source of information

 6. The Rock’n Pop Young Music Makers Award Concert’s audience was local in a large part – from Dupnitsa or the county. The guests from the country or the neighbor Macedonia were minority. Within the context of residence shares, the Bulgaria audience is a second by number after the local audience so there is a significant reserve for the future:

 (red – from Dupnitsa, green – from District of Kystendil; blue – from Bulgaria, yellow – abroad)By residence

 7. The audience is ready to buy a ticket for such event. Only 14% by asked people were negative in the response to the question: ‘Would you buy a ticket for such event?’ (Question 7 by questionnaire). The largest share of people who declared readiness to buy a ticket would pay up to 5 levs (around 2.5 euro, as in 13% by the filled questionnaires were pointed 3 levs – around 1.5 euro). In relatively equal shares the other respondents preferred the cost to be up to 10 levs or over it (around 5.5 euro).  It strikes that over 90% by friends who come to the gig are ready to pay so to watch and listen to their favorites in competition with other bands.

(red – to 5 lv.; green – to 10 lv.; blue – over 10lv.)

By ticket costThis survey has been made with devoted assistance of Elissaveta Zareva, a member of Partners Dupnitsa Association young team. The survey’s purpose was to show the audience profile within the context prolonging it in the future. The project performers – Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for Sustainable Development – Kratovo kindly ask everyone who use and quotes the survey data for feedback through e-mail contacts within contact section on the site.   

Rock’n Pop the Borders 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 project is co-funded by the EU through IPA Cross Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM. 

Friendship Gig within the events of Rock’n Pop the Borders

‘Unbelievable, unforgettable party’ the audience says. That is the rock adepts opinion.  That is the comment of Kango and Sashko Kostov – Macedonian jury members – for a Friendship Gig held on 10 August 2014 at the Rila Park Open Stage. 

 The idea about it was given in April 2014 by Simeon Ivanov – Kango. The Partners Dupnitsa Association’s promoters saw not only the opportunity for one more joint cultural event under the project but for real communion between young musician from Bulgaria and Macedonia, in direct contact with prominent music creators and performers as the idea ‘engine’ – Kango. 

In the gig took participation bands from Rock Academy Dupnitsa – a format made in 2006 by Partners Dupnitsa Association to support talented youngsters, interested in music. More about this initiative you can read and see here.

An unbelievable band was performed too – vocal and solo guitar Kango, drumer – Sahko Kostov and members of Macedonian finalists in Young Music Makers Award Concert  - TV Rage and Problem Solved.

First at stage was Enkhaosment – the band who headed the online contest final ranking for Award Concert in Dupnitsa, held within project implementation. Enkhaosment is a Rock Academy’s band. They didn’t win anything by the Young Music Makers Award Concert, but as though it gave them extraordinary energy for performing in the Friendship Gig Day:


Foretold Dead is a Rock Academy’s band who also took participation within project contest with no success. The Macedonian jury members’ opinion, who also took participation within Friendship Gig on 10 August, was that the quality of their sound record sent for contesting influenced negatively professionals’ and audience estimation about their real abilities which they  showed during the event:


Voltage is the most gig experienced band among Rock Academy Dupnitsa bands. They didn’t have success within the Rock’n Pop the Borders competitions, but ‘blew up’ the audience in their last for ‘non-defined’ time period of time performance:


To present Kango is impossible – he is so ‘colorful’ so you have to leave this to him own. ‘There is no borders if there is music’ – he said and proved it together with Sashko Kostov and the boys of Problem Solved и TV Rage bands:


Darker than Black are the youngest musicians in the Rock Academy. They appearance at the Friendship Gig stage was a great challenge which they successfully faced:


The Friendship Gig of Rock Academy Dupnitsa bands together with Kango, Sashko Kostov and their friends from Macedonian bands – finalists in Young Music Makers Rock’n Pop the Borders Award Concert is another contribution within the same named project.  It is co-funded by  EU through IPA Cross – Border Programme CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007. 

Rock’n Pop the Borders has a future like an international competition for youth original rock song

Rock’n Pop the Borders has a future like an international festival for youth original rock songs on the Balkans. It is the opinion of all more than 30 participants in the Workshop for setting a Framework for sustainable management of the format held on 10 August 2014 in Dupnitsa town. At the Workshop musical producers, festival selectors and promoters, representatives of NGOs and local authorities from the municipalities Dupnitsa, Kratovo and Kumanovo, business organizations, participants in Young Music Makers Award Concert form Bulgaria and Macedonia were participated. This future has to be guarantee through active involvement of local authorities and business, especially – the tourism one, from the municipalities where the partners are active. The participants though the format established has to be focused on youth original rock music as a maximum of styles diversity has to be chased, the competition programme has to be extended over three days and it has to be more dynamic contact between young authors and the professionals involved in adjudicating process. All ideas which the participants into the Workshop have exchanged amongst themselves have enlisted into the ‘Framework for management and maintenance of Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music Makers Award’.

The Workshop was followed by a meeting of young musicians in Rock Academy Dupnitsa (Enkhaosment, Voltage, Foretold Dead and Darker than Black bands) and Macedonian adjudicators – Kango and Sashko Kostov. At the meeting were involved members of Macedonian bands – finalist in the competition – Problem Solved and TV Rage.

They all together performed an unforgettable three hour gig for Dupnitsa audience at the Big Rila Park Open Stage. 

Rock'nPop the Borders

The winners

Paranormal’s song Slippin’ won the Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music makers Award. That came after adjudicators’ voting during the final gig held in Dupnitsa on 9 August 2014.  Както знаете, наградата за победителя ще бъде професионален видеоклип. As you know the Award is professional song video. The team, making the video, promises that it will be absolute surprise.  

Second place was awarded to
After Midnight’s Losing Control song – a professional sound record will be making over it.  

Third award in the contest was awarded to Problem Solved (Skopje) and their songЛоша навика. The Rock’n Pop the Borders’ media partner – TV Zapad – provided professional wireless microphone to them.  

The Mayor of Dupnitsa Municipality liked Kumanovo band – TV Rageand their song In between the time. They took his special award – guitar holders, drumsticks and vocal microphone.

Love Lies Bleeding (Amaranth) of As Orchids Wither  got the applauses of Rotary Club – Dupnitsa. The Rotaries awarded 150 leva to their favorites for their performance and scenic energy.   

The Adjudicators in the Competition and final concert were:  the chair – Anelia Dosheva (producer), Simeon Ivanov – Kango (musician, producer and composer), Slavcho Nikolov (guitarist and composer) and Sashko Kostov(composer and musician). Gig performer was Yoanna Dragneva.

The Young Music Makers Award Concert Rock’n Pop the Borders was the final of the contest amongst 25 bands from Bulgaria and Macedonia. It is a part of the same name project co-funded by EU through IPA Cross – Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM. 

Grand Final

Rock’n Pop the Borders Young Music Makers Award Concert starts at 17.30 on 9th of August 2014 (Saturday) at Rila Park by Dupnitsa town. The bands who are taking part within are:

Enkhaosment, Bulgaria.

TV Rage, Macedonia.

Chainsaw Babies, Bulgaria.

Bunch of Assholes, Bulgaria.

Problem Solved, Macedonia.

As Orchids Wither, Bulgaria.

Feast of Insanity, Bulgaria.

After Midnight, Bulgaria.

Revenge, Macedonia.

Paranormal, Bulgaria.

The access is free.  The Concert is organized by Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo within the same named project, co-founded by EU through IPA Cross – Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM.  

The songs’ order of performance is to be set on technical conference that is to be held earlier on the same day. Besides the original competing song, each one of participating bands is to be able to perform one to two more own original songs within 12 minutes. The adjudicators are to evaluate the competing song only. The winner, pointed by the adjudicators’ vote, is to have the opportunity to shoot a video after its song. The second ranked is to be able to record professional sound record of its song and the third – is to take the award by one of the show media partners – TV Zapad. One of participating groups is to be awarded by the Mayor of Dupnitsa Municipality.

Show performer is to be the singer Yoanna Dragneva - the Bulgarian finalist in Eurovision 2008.

Till the adjudicators are voting, the audience is to be entertained by Fireball Band performance.

On 10th of August – Sunday – at 19.00 – at the Park Rila Stage, access free again, a gig of Simeon Ivanov – Kango, Macedonian rock musician and adjudicator, together with Foretold Dead, Darker than Black, Voltage и Enkhaosment bands of Rock Academy – Dupnitsa is to take place. The idea about this event was Kango’s and the boys and girls of the Rock Academy take the opportunity with pleasure so to show what they do and can in rock music.

Rock Academy – Dupnitsa is an informal center supporting young and talented rock musicians from Dupnitsa and the county that has been developing and managing by Partners Dupnitsa Association for 8 years yet. A lot of young bands have been trained there as some of them had their own original songs within issued by the Academy two LPs. Namely this training center experience is the reason for developing and implementing the Rock’n Pop the Borders format by Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo through the support of IPA Cross – Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM.

The finalists in the online competition Rock’n Pop the Borders

At midnight of 16 to 17 July 2014 the online competition for young rock band’s original song has been closed. Rock’n Pop the Borders online competition was for young rock bands, aged 13 to 25 , making own, original songs. The audience and the adjudicators have voted for their favorites within provided terms and the promoters have been allowed to announce the final ranking today – 17july 2014.

In accordance with the Participating Rules, the 10 songs received the highest average score from audience and adjudicators’ votes are allowed to compete at a live gig on 9th August 2014 in Rila Park of Dupnitsa town.

The final ranking after the online competition Rock’n Pop the Borders ranks the following 10 finalists ( the ranking includes the song name, the band name, average score for the song after audience and adjudicators’ vote and band’s country name):

1. “For The Win”, Enkhaosment, 8.65, Bulgaria.

2. “In between the time”, TV Rage, 8.22, Macedonia.

3. “Filthy Rock’n’Roll”, Chainsaw Babies, 7.12, Bulgaria.

4. “Airstrike”, Bunch of Assholes, 7.00, Bulgaria.

5. “Лоша навика”, Problem Solved, 6.93, Macedonia.

6. “Love lies bleeding (Amaranth), As Orchids Wither, 6.64, Bulgaria.

7. “The Unsung”, Feast of Insanity, 6.31, Bulgaria.

8. “Losing control”, After Midnight, 5.93, Bulgaria.

9. “Не вели ми здраво”, Revenge, 5.68, Macedonia.

10. “Slippin’”, Paranormal, 5.60, Bulgaria.

In case that some of the 10 finalists refuses to participate in the final gig, the promoters keep the right to invite the next one by order of ranking:

11. “Bury Me”, Sunday, 5.53, Bulgaria.

12. “Гласот на моята душа”, Визия, 5,28, Macedonia.

13. “Път към върха”, Rebels,5,09, Bulgaria.

14. “Revelation”, Panic Station, 5.08, Bulgaria.

15. “The Power of Love”, Marmalad Banda, 4.96, Macedonia.

16. “Ride”, Plug In, 4.95, Macedonia.

17. “Първата”, Лопатарка, 4,56, Bulgaria.

18. “Cannot Heal”, Power Enslave, 4.46, Bulgaria.

19. “Трошка Љубов”, Polemique, 4.18, Macedonia.

20. “In Cold and Dark Days”, Foretold Dead, 4.06, Bulgaria.

21. “Electrify”, Simai, 3.82, Bulgaria.

22. “Blade of Greed”, SLIX, 3.63, Bulgaria.

23. “We are coming”, Voltage, 3.36, Bulgaria.

24. “Изгубен”, Angus&Kevin, 3.20, Bulgaria.

25. “Appetence for Life”, Mneme, 3.11, Bulgaria.

Bands’ ranking by average score after audience votes:

1.”For The Win”, Enkhaosment, 10, Bulgaria.

2.”In between the time”, TV Rage, 8.64, Macedonia.

3.”Airstrike”, Bunch of Assholes, 8.12, Bulgaria.

4.”Love lies bleeding (Amaranth), As Orchids Wither, 6.67, Bulgaria.

5.”Лоша навика”, Problem Solved, 6.55, Macedonia.

6.”Filthy Rock’n’Roll”, Chainsaw Babies, 6.04, Bulgaria.

7.”Не вели ми здраво”, Revenge, 5.74, Macedonia.

8.”Път към върха”, Rebels, 5.29, Bulgaria.

9.”Revelation”, Panic Station, 5.13, Bulgaria.

10.”The Power of Love”, Marmalad Banda, 5.09, Macedonia.

11.”The Unsung”, Feast of Insanity,  4.91, Bulgaria.

12.”In Cold and Dark Days”, Foretold Dead, 4.24, Bulgaria.

13.”Ride”, Plug In, 3.92, Macedonia.

14.”Трошка Љубов”, Polemique, 3.87, Macedonia.

15.”Losing control”, After Midnight, 3.66, Bulgaria.

16.”Гласот на моята душа”, Визия, 3.35, Macedonia.

17.”Cannot Heal”, Power Enslave, 3.19, Bulgaria.

18.”Изгубен”, Angus&Kevin, 3.08, Bulgaria.

19.”Electrify”, Simai, 3.01, Bulgaria.

20.”Blade of Greed”, SLIX, 2.80, Bulgaria.

21.”Първата”, Лопатарка, 2.61, Bulgaria.

22.”Slippin’”, Paranormal, 2.51, Bulgaria.

23.”We are coming”, Voltage, 2.45, Bulgaria.

24.”Appetence for Life”, Mneme, 2.28, Bulgaria.

25.”Bury Me”, Sunday, 2.05, Bulgaria.

Bands ranking by adjudicators’ average scores:

1.”Bury Me”, Sunday, 9.00, Bulgaria.

2.”Slippin’”, Paranormal, 8.68, Bulgaria.

3.”Losing control”, After Midnight, 8.20, Bulgaria.

4.”Filthy Rock’n’Roll”, Chainsaw Babies, 8.20, Bulgaria.

5.”In between the time”, TV Rage, 7.80, Bulgaria.

6.”The Unsung”, Feast of Insanity, 7.70, Bulgaria.

7.”For The Win”, Enkhaosment, 7.30, Bulgaria.

8.”Лоша навика”, Problem Solved, 7.30, Bulgaria.

9.”Гласот на моята душа”, Визия, 7.20, Bulgaria.

10.”Love lies bleeding (Amaranth), As Orchids Wither, 6.60, Bulgaria.

11.”Първата”, Лопатарка, 6.50, Bulgaria.

12.”Ride”, Plug In, 5.98, Macedonia.

13.”Airstrike”, Bunch of Assholes, 5.88, Bulgaria.

14.”Cannot Heal”, Power Enslave, 5.72, Bulgaria.

15.”Не вели ми здраво”, Revenge, 5.62, Bulgaria.

16.”Revelation”, Panic Station, 5.02, Bulgaria.

17.”Път към върха”, Rebels, 4.88, Bulgaria.

18. “The Power of Love”, Marmalad Banda, 4.82, Macedonia.

19. “Electrify”, Simai, 4.62, Bulgaria.

20.”Трошка Љубов”, Polemique, 4.48, Macedonia.

21.”Blade of Greed”, SLIX, 4.46, Bulgaria.

22.”We are coming”, Voltage, 4.26, Bulgaria.

23.”Appetence for Life”, Mneme, 3.94, Bulgaria.

24.”In Cold and Dark Days”, Foretold Dead, 3.88, Bulgaria.

25.”Изгубен”, Angus&Kevin, 3.32, Bulgaria.

The promoters and the adjudicators underline their deep impression by participants’ fair-play, the savoir-vivre they have kept amongst and the quality of all songs participated (it can be seen – the adjudicators have not adjudicated average score under 3 points for each participating song). If we might deduce by number of votes received by the participating bands, their original songs have been performed at an online gig with almost 10 000 people audience.

The project Rock’n Pop the Borders is a partnership project of Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo.   

It is co-funded by the EU through IPA Cross – Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007


25 bands will compete at Rock’n Pop the Borders

25 bands have been registered at Rock’n Pop the Borders online competition for young bands’ original rock and pop song. 7 by them are from Macedonia and the others 18 – from Bulgaria. The rock music is the genre that dominates at the first competition edition. All rock styles and interpretations, even of folklore, are played by the competitors.

Registered bands, you can vote to from 16 June 2014 on http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/en/category/competitors/ (by registering order), are:

1. Voltage, Dupnitsa, Bulgaria

2. Mneme, Sofia, Bulgaria

3. Lopatarka, Montana, Bulgaria

4. Simai, Sofia, Bulgaria

5. Vizia, Skopје, Macedonia

6.Angus&Kevin, Sofia, Bulgaria

7. Enkhaosment, Dupnitsa, Bulgaria

8. Bunch of Assholes, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

9. Рlug In, Skopје/Bitola, Makedonia

10. Power Enslave, Rousse, Bulgaria

11.Sunday, Sofia, Bulgaria

12. Feast of Insanity, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

13. After Midnight, Аsenovgrad/Plovdiv, Bulgaria

14. As Orchid Wither, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

15.Foretold Dead, Dupnitsa, Bulgaria

16.Chainsaw Babies, Velingrad, Bulgaria

17. Rebels, Vurshets, Bulgaria

18. Slix, Sofia, Bulgaria

19. Panic Station, Plovdiv,  Bulgaria

20. Problem Solved, Skopје,  Macedonia

21. TV Rage, Kumanovo, Macedonia

22. Мarmalad Banda, Struga, Macedonia

23. Paranormal, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

24. Polemique, Kriva Palanka, Macedonia

25. Revenge, Krushevo, Macedonia

The voting for songs uploaded will take time to 16 July 2014 – midnight. Together with online audience, an evaluation of each song performed will be given by the adjudicators. System makes available voting by one IP address for one song only.

At the final stage – the gig in Dupnitsa on 9 August 2014 – will be invited the 10 bands who have got the best range of audience and the adjudicators’ voting.

The competition Rock’n Pop the Borders is being implementing within the same named project financed by EU through IPA Cross Border Programme CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007

The successful implementation of this first stage of the project implementation wouldn’t be possible without media partnership of Young Rocks Bulgaria, NGO Information Portal in Bulgraia, Bulgarian Rock Z Rock Radio and Sky Radio – Skopje.

The Rock’n Pop the Borders project is been implementing by Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo.

The Rock dominates (for now) the Pop at Rock’n Pop the Borders

All bands have been registered up to now for participating at Rock’n Pop the Borders international competition for original youth song are rock bands. Almost all rock styles are presented. At the end of May 2014, the following bands were registered:

1 . Mneme – Sofia, Bulgaria
2 . Voltage – Dupnitsa, Bulgaria
3 . Lopatarka – Montana, Bulgaria
4 . Simai – Sofia, Bulgaria
5 . Viziја – Skopje, Macedonia
6 . Angus & Kevin – Sofia, Bulgaria
7 . Enkhaosment – Dupnitsa, Bulgaria
8 . Bunch of Assholes – Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

The Rock’n Pop the Borders promoters remember to all candidates that the dead line for registering on http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/en/registration/  is 12 June 2014 – midnight. They are impatient not only for original pop songs but for more Macedonian bands.

Enlisting into Rock’n Pop the Borders online competition starts

From midnight on 12 May – Monday – young music bands – creators of rock and pop songs from Bulgaria and Macedonia can enlist them into Rock’n Pop the Borders online competition. Their members have to be 13 to 25 years old and to fulfill the registration form available on http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/registration/. The promoters recommend to all candidates reading carefully Participation Rules for the competition available on
http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/participation-rules/, before they start the registration. Accepting the Participation Rules is mandatory for enlisting into the competition. The registration will be open till midnight on 12 June 2014. After this deadline, the promoters will upload registered information on http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/category/competitors/, so to give to the audience and adjudicators the opportunity to select by published rock and pop young people’s works. Rock’n pop the Borders competition for rock and pop young people’s works is implemented within the Rock’n Pop the Borders 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 project with the financial
support of EC trough IPA Cross-Border Programme Bulgaria – FYRoM CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007.

Loud Rock’n Pop echo into Macedonian media!

Rock’n Pop the Borders 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 project was promoted by the project management team on 7 May 2014 in Kratovo, Republic of Macedonia. Borjancho Micevski and Yasmina Davitkovska, members by Regional center for sustainable development in the management team, told to TV Protel (Probishtip), TV Cite 2 (Kratovo), MIA, Dnevnik and Aberdzhija newspapers about the objectives, main activities and expected results of the initiative. Rock’n Pop the Borders 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 project is implemented jointly by Partners Dupnitsa Association and Regional center for sustainable development in Kratovo with the support of IPA Cross – Border Programme CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007. The Project management team’s action plan provides start up press conference for the media by both border sides. Project promotion for Bulgaria was on 17 April 2014.
The start of the competition for young creators of rock and pop songs by both partners countries, planned for 12 may this year, has attracted the interest of more than 10 specialized, local and national media in Republic of Macedonia. Yasmina Davitkovska guested at a morning show in Macedonian National Radio. The project leader – Georgi Iliev – comments for rocknpoptheborders.com: ‘I do hope this support we have been given and – I believe – will be given to us by our friend from all Macedonian media will do help us to rock’n pop the borders finding the most talented and motivated young bands from both friend countries’.  See the links below:

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Rock’n Pop the Borders – the launch countdown

At the midnight on 12 May 2014 – the registration for participating into online competition of young rock and pop young music makers Rock’n Pop the Borders starts. The project Rock’n Pop the Borders 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 is co-financed by the European Union trough IPA Cross-border Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia CCI Number: 007CB16IPO007. Eligible are young music bands which members are 13 to 25 years old, from Bulgaria and Macedonia. Registration form is available on: http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/registration/
Each candidate must read carefully the Participation Rules before registration. The rules are available as a link down the registration form as well as individual article on http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/participation-rules/
Candiadates have only a month to do their registration to be enlisted into the competition. They can rely on the Promoters assistance upon any issues with the registration form as they email to: partners.dupnitsa.ngo@gmail.com or regionalencentar@gmail.com Please, note that registered songs and bands’ information will be available for voting from midnight of 16 June 2014 on: http://www.rocknpop.1oflads.com/category/competitors/ They will not be public available before this term.
We wish success to all of you!

Rock’n Pop the Borders presented in Dupnitsa

The project management team of Rock’n Pop the Borders 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 project presented the initiative to the Dupnitsa community. The start up press conference held on 17.04.2014 interested the Dupnitsa municipality experts in the field of regional development, social and young people issues and the culture. As you know, Rock’n Pop the Borders Project 2007CB16IPO007-2012-3-005 is a joint partnership project of Partners Dupnitsa Association (Bulgaria) and Regional Center for sustainable development – Kratovo (Macedonia). The project is co-financed by the European Union trough IPA Cross-border Programme Bulgaria – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia CCI Number: 007CB16IPO007.
The event was reported by Zapad TV and Darik radio – Kyustendil: